Diecast Models - DINKY
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These are Dinky's that have been repainted and only had after market parts added in some instances. Repaints generally have been done in non original colours and styles although there are a few in this lot where they have been repainted as close to the original colours. No physical alterations have been done to these models. Where more major alterations have been done they have been listed under Code 3 Models.

This lovely casting has been stripped and repainted in non Dinky colours. The windscreen need attention being bent as usual. I have used a two tone combination which interestingly is quite rare to find on original cars. I have used Micro model hubs and tyres which I prefer to the dinky versions

Rear view showing the dashboard detailing.

Repainted in close to original colours

Repainted in close to original colours, green and fawn.

Painted in a two tone beige and cream. Apt colours for the period.

Repainted in an apple green which closely resembles real life models I recall.

Original paint. Decals made and applied to give the "flower power" period look.

Repainted in a smart red cream combination

Repainted yellow with cream roof and cream hubs.

Repainted two tone dark and light brown. The white tyres set it off best

Seems to be a favourite with Code 3 modellers. I have done four. This one done in Triumph livery. See link below for more Pullmore photos. All my Pullmores' are fitted with an internal ramp which seemed more realistic than the ramp Dinky supplied.
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Repainted in blue metallic paint with a black roof. After market wheels and tyres were added to compliment the larger size of this model.

Once again customised to look more sporty. two tone pink metallic paint. The lower half is darker than the top not easily noticeable in the photo. After market wheels and tyres in gold metal give this model a sleek look.

Repainted in non standard colours. Model enhanced with different wheels.

Repainted in factory colours. The white reproduction wheels enhances the model in my opinion.

Has been repaired and repainted from a model in very poor condition. The driver side door was pushed in and had to have some "panel beating" done to it. A satisfying result.

Restored and repainted from a model in poor state.